

On the other hadn, they might want to shy away from that to protect their margins on NonStop systems. Of course, now that they have implemented Virtual NonStop, they might decide they do want to expand beyond the initial target. I don't know whether that claim is accurate, but if it is, it could indicate that HPE might not have any interest in supporting a wide variety of hardware - just enough to satisfy the customers it was implemented for. Something I heard (not from an official source) is that HPE implemented Virtual NonStop not to enable implementation of cheap development and test systems, but to satify the requests from some existing customers who were insisting that EVERYTHING in their data centers had to be running in virtual machines. I don't know that they would I just think that should be taken into account. One thing I'd wonder about is whether any fault tolerant features the Antsle XD provides could clash with fault tolerant features of Virtual NonStop. As far as I understand, the hardware that HPE supports Virtual NonStop on has no specific hardware fault tolerant features - all the fault tolerance is supplied by the Virtual NonStop software (perhaps the virtual machine management software also participates). I don't know anything about the Antsle XD you mentioned. I don't know whether that is true or not. I suppose is possible that the Virtual NonStop software would work with other hardware, and it is just that the specified devices are the only ones HPE has certified and they won't support systems with anything else. I believe there were some restrictions on the disk/SSD devices, and maybe on the LAN device.


I believe the hardware must include an Infiniband interface of specific characteristics (or maybe a specific model of Infiniband interface). Now that the VMware virtual machine software also is supported, maybe that aspect is not such a hurdle as it once was. Apparently, configuring OpenStack itself is extremely complicated. For example: You don't configure just one virtual machine - you also have to configure virtual machines for the system console, the comm CLIM, the storage CLIM, and I believe there is yet another I'm not remembering at the moment. If you want to look at it, its title is "HPE Virtualized NonStop Deployment and Configuration Guide". There is a very long document about configuring a Virtual NonStop system. So complicated that HPE is offering a preconfigured Virtual NonStop product so they don't have to try to educate customers on how to configure Virtual NonStop and don't have to support customers who get it wrong. I don't know very much about it, but it is complicated to configure a Virtual NonStop system.
