Advanced system care 10
Advanced system care 10

advanced system care 10

The advanced practice nurse is granted to a nurse who has completed additional education to acquire expert knowledge, complex decision-making skills, and the clinical competencies to provide expanded healthcare services within the context of nursing. APN is the expanded healthcare services and interventions provided by nurses with an advanced capacity. To date, approximately 70% of nations have some form of advanced practice nursing. With the increasing need for improved nursing services and outcomes, APN has spread and accepted worldwide and was proven to have advantages in improving access to care, decreasing waiting time, and cost containment of health care. This core competency framework consisted of six domains with 61 items can be used in competency-based education to cultivate advanced practice nurses as well as competency level assessment. The final core competencies for advanced practice nursing consisted of six domains with 61 items, including direct clinical nursing practice, research and evidence-based nursing practice, professional development, organization and management, mentoring and consultation, and ethical/legal practice.

advanced system care 10 advanced system care 10

Twenty-eight of 30 experts finished 2 rounds of Delphi approaches. Through the qualitative phase, the core competency framework with six domains and 70 items emerged and then entered into the Delphi phase. This study was performed in two phases: first, in-depth and semi-structured individual interviews with 46 participants from key stakeholders were carried out followed by a qualitative content analysis, then an item pool of core competencies was constructed by extracting data from the first phase and the results from previous studies, scales and documents second, a Delphi technique was conducted with the participation of 28 experts from 7 areas of China to form the final core competency framework for advanced practice nursing. In mainland China, APN have been introduced in some organizations but their competency domains have not yet been clearly defined, this study aimed to identify the core competencies for advanced practice nursing.

advanced system care 10

Currently, however, competence framework has not been compared at an international level. Development and establishment of new APN roles is a complex process that has resulted from a wide variety of reasons, key component is a lack of a competency map delineation and role evaluation. Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) have been highly valued and an integral part of the health care system.

Advanced system care 10